Rule List

_____..General Rules.._____

1. Do not RDM.
2. Racism, harassment, sexism, and all other forms of disrespect are not tolerated in any form OOC.
3. Do not RDA.
4. Do not FailRP.
5. Do not meta-game in any form.
6. Do not break server rules in order to try and enforce rules upon others, by acting as an administrator.
7. Do not impersonate anyone.
8. Do not spam anything.
9. Do not use the report system for non-report reasons.
10. Do not shoot or kill staff on duty.
11. Do not stand directly next to a spawn in an attempt to spawn kill.
12. Sims have to resemble or simulate relevant lore.
13. Staff have final say

_____..Chat Rules.._____

1. Do not disrespect in comms
2. Advert is RP only.
3. You must salute 2LT+.
4. Do not advertise.
5. The only non-in-character chat is /OOC. Everything else is In-Character.

_____..Roleplay Rules.._____

1. Never break the golden, silver, bronze rules
2. Listen to higher-ups regardless of regiment or battalion in battle on/off the ship.
3. Do not go on the 3rd floor or the Engine Room.
4. Must respect all higher ranks at all times